February 16, 2023. The Images in Our Mind: Nyeema Morgan and Nate Young, film screening, BOMB Magazine.

December 5, 2022. between friends: On Mourning, Mirrors and Togetherness in Extraordinary Times by Christina Schmid. MN Artists.

November 4 - December 17, 2022. between friends, David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis, MN.

September 17, 2022. Setting-Up the Set-Up: Nyeema Morgan at PATRON Gallery, Wrong Life Review.

August 2022. Julietta Cheung & Nyeema Morgan, Correspondence Archive #22.

July 22, 2022. An Oral History with Nyeema Morgan by Nate Young, BOMB Magazine.

May 19 - July 2, 2022. The Scripts Found in a Bottle, Found in a Can, Found in a Discourse
(Les Scripts Trouvés dans une Bouteille, Trouvés dan une Canette, Trouvés dans un Discours)
, The Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI.

April 30 - May 28, 2022. The Set-up, Patron Gallery, Chicago, IL.

March 4 - May 14, 2022. Soft Power. Hard Margins., Grant Wahlquist Gallery, Portland, ME.

February 19 – June 19, 2022. Us Them We | Race Ethnicity Identity, Worcester Museum of Art, Worcester, MA.

September 16, 2021 - January 30, 2022. There is a Woman in Every Color, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, New Brunswick, ME.